Saturday, April 2, 2011

All I know about love

Saying I love you ,......

Is not the words ,........

I want to hear from you ,........

It's not That I want you ,.........

Not to say but if you only Knew ,...........

How easy ,.............

it would be to show me how you feel ,.............

Saying I love you, not what I want to hear from you, it is not the cause I want you, not a word even if you know how easy you show your feelings to me. (By westlife)

Love,,, which comprises 5 letter word and a meaning so deep. Love,,, an abstract that can not be known when coming departure. Love,,, is a matchless beauty for those who feel it. But, one day can turn into a love that was so painful in this world. Love,,, can be addressed to humans, animals, so also God Almighty. Love,,, he stopped anywhere. Love can awaken the soul, but sometimes it can kill. Love,, like a lantern that illuminates, but he's also a blinding darkness. Oh, love ... how beautiful life with love. How empty life without love. All people need love. Love is real.

Special love for a yearning heart, a complement of life, namely our spouses. Every human being, whether man or woman he will surely fall in love. Impossible if anyone claimed never to fall in love. And only those who are mentally disturbed that nobody can feel the sweetness of love.

"There's man and woman in this world, and you'll want a girlfriend someday."


There are only a man and woman in this world, someday you'll want a lover. That is the Sunnah of God, one day we will need a woman as a companion of our lives. Women are the most beautiful jewelry ever existed on earth, let alone women sholehah, best jewelry in the world. If I were offered at between diamond diamond with a woman more beautiful sholehah flushed, I must choose a woman sholehah it. J. So throw your love on a right. If not, then there's only lies, there's only tears, there's only fears, and there's only pain. Only there will be lies, crying, fear, and there is only pain. Because of how difficult it is to unite two different heads into one. But with love and love each other, it is not impossible.

"Love is More Than Word"


Love is more than just words. Unable to pour in with the words. The expression of the word love is just the end of our journey to find love. Love, actually requires a complicated and long process, although sometimes come as fast as lightning. Love is not trite words. Love does not need words Animashaun. Because it is hidden in the deepest heart of hearts, it is difficult to detect and only myself who knows. Love it can be known through one's behavior and treatment to people he loved.

"Love can not be Bought just with pretty words, cuz love is sacrifice"


Love can not be purchased with sweet words, love is sacrifice. Love also can not be purchased with money and possessions. If someone loves you because the property, then it is not love. It was only lust that will disappear with the loss of property. It takes tumbal, sometimes someone has to at sacrifice. Love is fantastic, sometimes ironic and even tragic. Like that is what I know about love.

Greetings from Kota Daeng love ^ _ ^
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