How to Learn Effectively
Henry Brooks Adams
Henry Brooks Adams
The steps to learn effectively is to know yourself you learn skills that successful proces you use, and required interest, and knowledge of the subject you want, you may learn physics with ease but can not learn tennis, or vice versa. Learn anything, is a process to reach certain stages.
Four steps to learn.
Start by printing this page and answer the questions. Then plan your strategy of answers, and with the "Study Guides" the other.
What is your experience about how to learn? Ap
What was your experience about how you learn? Did you
Start with the past
enjoy reading?
solve the problem?
know how summary?
ask yourself about what you learned?
have access to information from many sources?
like quiet or study groups?
require some time to learn a short or long one?
what have I learned??
How did they evolve?
Which is best?
The worst?
How do you communicate what you know learn best?
Through a written test, script, or an interview?
Forward to the present
Would you?
How much time do I want to spend learning?
What to compete with my concern?
Are the circumstances right for success?
What can I control, and what is outside my control?
Can I change these conditions for success?
What affects your dedication to this lesson?
Do I have a plan? Does my plan consider the experience and learning style?
Consider the process, the main issue
What title?
What are the key words are striking?
Do I understand?
What have I learned?
Do I know related subjects?
The sources and information which can help me?
Do I rely on one source (for example, books)?
Do I need to find other sources?
As I learned, do I ask myself if I understand?
Should I speed up or slow down?
If I do not understand, if I ask why?
Do I stop and summarize?
Do I stop and ask if this logical?
Do I stop and evaluate (agree / disagree)?
Do I need time to think and come back again?
Do I need to discuss with "learners" in order to process other informasin further?
Do I need to find "experts", the teacher or librarian or expert?
Create a review
Did I do right?
What could I do better?
Is my plan similar to the "self"?
Do I choose the right conditions?
Did I follow through; was I disciplined with myself?
Are you successful?
Do you celebrate your success?
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