Friday, April 1, 2011

7 Step To SEO Friendly Template design part 1.

Hy All ...!!! at the beginning of my time writing this, I will give an article about the 7 Step To SEO Friendly Template design part 1. This step should even have to do a blog so you can compete with other bloggers and for the full article you easily read by google.

early stage that you must do is:

"Meta Keyword and Description"

Here's how: go to dashbor, then click the draft, and then click Edit HTML, then check Expand Widget templates.

copy and paste the following html code before the code
 <b:skin> <![CDATA[

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta content='Bubust Blog' name='description'/>
<meta content='Belaja Blog, Learning SEO, Optimizing, SEO SEO Friendly, SEO Blogger' name='keywords'/>
have you finish it...??? Do not forget to click save.

2nd Stage. waiting in the next article ....!!!

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