Sunday, April 17, 2011



"The people who succeed in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if you do not find it, they will make their own" - George Bernard Shaw

In the paradigm of "old" (in the sense that many or most dominant), to be successful people must be controlled by the "spirit of belonging." If you want to succeed in getting a job or promotion, for example, you "must" have a degree, have the ability to speak English, have the skills to operate computers, have connections, have money to bribe officials to select, a note or letter of magic, and so on . Without the "spirit has" your "impossible" to get the job you want.

As a result, the "spirit has a" very strong roots in our culture. Without having these things, people lost confidence to succeed in life. And those who lose faith, in my opinion, has lost her own identity. He became a marginal group, are underestimated and not treated as human beings. "Spirit has" misled many people.

The paradigm of "new" I am trying to firmly reject this offer. To successfully achieve his desire, people do not have to have it first. Without a degree, without the ability to speak English, without connections, without a note, without bribes, and no computer skills, people still possible to succeed. What is needed is to evoke the "spirit of success" in us.

"The spirit of success" is rooted in the reality of truth, facts, and human history itself. The people who managed to achieve success was through a learning process that is not dominated by "the spirit has". Through this process he met with the "spirit of success" so as to define the meaning of success for himself. And by raising the "spirit of success" that he makes the decisions and commitments to behave and act in accordance with his own belief that, sometimes, different and even contrary to the common view. (Andrew Hare)

To ponder:
- What is the meaning of success for you?
- The paradigm where the master you all this?
- If you are still dominated by "the spirit has" Has your determination to liberate themselves from the shackles, and raise the "spirit of success"?
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