Sunday, April 3, 2011

Google Local Search has been in Iraq and Tunisia

Google began providing local search results to Internet users in the territory of Iraq and Tunisia.

Google adds and in Tunisia, presenting more than 184 domains that operate in order to provide relevant local results. Similarly, as quoted from TerraNet, Friday (1/4/2011).

Previously, Google search in Iraq and Tunisia are tracked through the domain in different countries.

"Domain Tunisia and Iraq allows the search in Arabic, as well as other languages ​​used in the region such as Turdish in Iraq and France in Tunisia," according to Abdel-Karim Mardini, Google's Product Manager for the Middle East and Africa region.

"Local Domain is the first step to making the Internet becomes more accessible to users around the globe, " Mardini wrote in his blog.

"The domain is also part of our vision for all Google products can be available in 40 languages ​​worldwide and covers 99 percent of the world's Internet users,"added Mardhini.
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