Sunday, April 3, 2011

restore the national identity

The young generation (the successor), the nation Indonesia is truly alarming. More rampant promiscuity. Sex outside of marriage, abuse of narcotic drugs can not be avoided, drunkenness (drinking), and many other things which is very sad. We as young people as part of the nation complaining about the pet's chest and thinking how, what should we do to restore the national identity, because of what negative things the current generation of the Indonesian nation, of course cause an effect to their own bodies and also effect for the community that's not good deeds will be their time-consuming as it navigates life.

A lot of time wasted passed by the generation of the Indonesian nation. However we as the people of Indonesia must take part to think about how this National Identity Restore, because it is us who know better step that the condition of our nation and who have an interest in Indonesia mejunya this nation ... ..
As a young orangenerasi nation next section we have an obligation to change our own personal starting to be a good example for them so they do not fall into the valley of humiliation and ketersia cause. We must be patient to escort each of our actions, lest we ourselves are still unstable easily influenced by negative things, lest we missed a futile act.

Indonesia's rich will be in vain if the occupants damaged its moral and ruqyah. Therefore we as a generation of young people should always maintain, learn and better understand our own actions in order to become useful young people to religion, nation and state of Indonesia ... ..

Environment is the first place young people learn, including learning how to build character and morals himself. Therefore, as young people in addition to educating yourself positive things also must be ketauladanan.

Hopefully this short article could provide a little motivation for us to always keep our behavior, lest we become a part of himself who brought this nation to the brink of national identity crisis. . .
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