Wednesday, December 28, 2011

transformers is not over

Source : New High Definitions Wallpapers
If you think the Transformers movie has been finished, maybe you are wrong. Latest info from THR reported that director Michael Bay and executive producer Steven Spielberg in talks with Hasbro about the possibility of Tranformers movie 4. transformers is not over.

Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner said that the toy company is already in talks with filmmakers to make a sequel to Transformers which is likely to formally announce the film project next year.

Following info from THR that Hasbro is in talks with Steven Spielberg and Michael Bay for Transformers sequel, the latest information to surface. Variety reports that Paramount Pictures had actually planned to make a sequel Transformers 4 and 5 are continuous (back-to-back).

Transformers without Shia LeBeouf

Variety also reported that the Transformers star Shia LaBeouf will not be reprising his role again as our hero Sam Witwicky. There are even rumors say that Jason Statham will play a role in the new sequel to this film. Although the scenario re-written by Ehren Kruger who has some ideas for new films, but no details about this film later.

We'll see the development of information about the Transformers movie sequel to this. And for you fans of the Transformers movies, at least this information as a breath of fresh air to be able to look back on the live action robot with sophisticated special effects and a new robot model. How do you think?
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